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CJE (Conservative Jewish Educator) Credential Application

Personal Information
Please write it as you would like it to appear on your certificate including parents names if preferred
(If Israel please indicate here)
Current Employment
Please upload a resume. 
Other Experience
Please list all academic institutions attended for secular and Jewish education. Include name of college/university, location, degree and date received 
Please list all additional certifications, fellowships, long term professional development programs 
Please upload any relevant documents that you believe the committee should be aware of during consideration
If through academics and professional responsibilities not all expectations are met, a year long mentorship is required to complete application. If you are in need of this please contact us. If you have already completed that year please fill out the information below.
Contributions to the field of Conservative Jewish Education
Please list all relevant activities, memberships, continued academic learning. publications, board positions held, participation in JEA conferences and programs, etc
CJE CANDIDATE'S AGREEMENT: It is my understanding that the information in this application and all attached or subsequent material thereto will be held as confidential by the CJE Title Granting Commission. I am committed to the mission, vision, and values of the JEA. I agree to inform the CJE Title Granting Commission Chairperson of my intent to attend the JEA Conference to receive my CJE Certificate after being notified that I have successfully completed the requirements. I certify that all the answers given by me in this application are true and complete.
Application Fee
Sat, March 29 2025 29 Adar 5785